Quicklime For Paper & Pulp Industry





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Quicklime For Paper & Pulp production 

Lime is an important commodity for the pulp and paper industry. Lime is used in several applications within pulp and paper mills including the pulping process, pH Control and color removal. 


1. Sulfate Process

By far, the largest application of lime in pulp manufacture is as a causticizing agent in sulfate (Kraft) plants.  Here, the waste sodium carbonate solution is recovered and reacted with high calcium lime to generate caustic soda for reuse in the process.  Most large sulfate plants recover about 90-98 percent of the lime by dewatering the waste calcium carbonate mud, then calcining it in rotary kilns.

2. Sulfite Process

Sulfite plants use quicklime to prepare calcium bisulfite, an acid cooking liquor used to digest or dissolve the non-cellulosic constituents of wood chips (paper and pulp stock). This process is on the wane due to waste disposal problems.

3. Bleaching

In pulp manufacturing processes, the interaction of lime and chlorine is used in the preparation of calcium hypochlorite bleach liquor.  Calcium hypochlorite, the oldest known and lowest cost bleach, is used extensively to bleach the pulp to the desired degree of whiteness.

4. Miscellaneous

Lime is used in the treatment of pulp and paper mill liquid wastes as a coagulant in color removal, a filtration conditioner, and, to a lesser extent, as a neutralizing agent.  It is also used in the recovery of valuable by-products from pulp and paper mill wastes.  It is used commercially to recover alcohol, calcium lignosulfonate, and yeast.

Solution to meet your needs 

SHC Group supplies significant quantities of high-quality Quicklime to facilitate Paper & Pulp production. What we offer: 

  • High Calcium oxide (CaO) content
  • High Reactivity   
  • Customized Size
  • Large Capacity

Please feel free to contact us for more information and to get the best quotes:

Mr. Steve Dam (International Sales Dept)
Phone/ WhatsApp/ Skype: +84 93 618 1398
Email: export4@shcgroup.vn



#quicklime #paperproduction #paperandpulp #calciumoxide #calcinedlime #burntlime 


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