Vitamins aid the function of enzyme systems essential for many metabolic functions. Animal feed manufacturers will add vitamins in the form of liquid and powder and ensure animals are getting a balanced diet specific to their requirements. Pet feed manufacturers will add vitamins C and E as antioxidants and they can also act as a natural preservative. The B vitamins are also included in most pet feeds. Vitamins A, D, and K may also be added.
Minerals are added to feed for the same purpose as vitamins. Sodium, calcium, zinc, and phosphorus are generally the minerals that are added to pet feed.
Calcium carbonate in Limestone in the presence of Vitamin D forms most of the eggshell and makes up the major part of the chicken bone. For use in the Feed mill, we can mix limestone with other materials or through on the ground for directly laying hens input.
The most grades are used in feed manufacturing are Limestone Granular 2-3MM and Limestone Powder 250Mesh, 80Mesh.
Prebiotics, probiotics; enzymes, antibiotics, and other components are also at times added to animal feeds.
Despite the advantages of additives described above; animals in the wild certainly don't need food additives to enjoy a full and healthy life. If animals (captive or wild) are fed with good quality, natural and appropriate foods, most will survive and enjoy good health without additives. When we take animals into captivity or interfere with their natural environment though; we are potentially changing unseen factors which can in turn change what may be needed in terms of feeding requirements.
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